报告:2022年低压交流电机市场增长21.2% -k8体育



http://www.gkong.com 2023-01-05 14:43 k8体育-k8凯发

low voltage ac motor market grew by 21.2% in 2022

updated research from interact analysis shows that the low-voltage (lv) ac motor market has fared well in terms of growth over the past few years, largely as a result of higher prices. in 2022 alone, the market grew to $17 billion with prices increasing by around 35% to 40% in the first half of the year.

来自interact analysis的最新研究表明,低压交流电机市场在过去几年的增长中表现良好,这在很大程度上是价格上涨的结果。光是2022年,该市场就增长到170亿美元,上半年价格上涨大约35%至40%。

as prices rose exponentially in 2022, this allowed for a 21.2% growth rate for the lv ac motor market this year. however, it is expected that a slight price decline in the second half of the year will have a knock-on effect on revenue and growth rates. looking out to 2023, price declines will continue but the volume sold looks set to remain high, matching the 2022 rate. overall, growth is expected to slow but not fall, as the current economic climate and high interest rates are likely to influence demand for lv ac motors, particularly within the machinery sector.


(2021-2027年低压交流电机营收及逐年增长率,来源:interact analysis)

the demand for motors tends to mirror the performance of the manufacturing sector. in 2023, lv motors market growth is projected to slow to around 0.29% in unit sale terms, with revenues falling by >10% due to reciprocal price decreases. the manufacturing sector is also likely to experience slow growth in 2023 because of high interest rates and economic uncertainty caused by the ukraine-russia war. many customers are thought to have overstocked in previous years and the motor market is emerging from this period of exponential demand. taking a longer term look at the market, it is anticipated that 2026 will see a year of economic decline affect sales.

adoption of ie4 motors has been well received by emea and legislation regulating the efficiency of motors in the eu continues to be a driving force for the market. while emea has tended to produce the highest priced motors, ie4 legislation has pushed prices up further and has also forced other regions to increase the prices of their lv ac motors. by 2027, almost 30% of market revenues in emea regions will come from ie4 motors, in part because all 75kw and 200kw motors must be ie4 compliant in 2023. however, the situation in the americas regions is very different due to a lack of regulation concerning ie4, with average selling prices likely to remain stable out to 2027 as they currently sit just behind that of the emea region. the apac region currently holds the lion’s share of the lv motor market revenues but there is little in the way of regulation for ie4 motors. the majority of motors produced in the region are ie3 compliant and apac looks set to be the largest market for lower efficiency motors out to 2027.


blake griffin, senior analyst at interact analysis commented, “perhaps the most prominent finding we have from this report is the impact that price volatility is having on market growth. in our previous report, we expected prices to rise to a certain level and stagnate for a few years before declining. we have seen the opposite. the motor market is currently experiencing extreme price volatility and changes in the global economy, making forecasting very difficult. we can, however, confidently predict that prices will decline from 2023 onwards before they begin to stabilize in 2026/2027.”

interact analysis高级分析师blake griffin评论说:"也许我们在这份报告中最突出的发现是价格波动对市场增长的影响。在我们之前的报告中,我们预计价格会上升到一定的水平,并在下降前停滞几年,但我们看到了相反的情况。电机市场目前正经历极端的价格波动和全球经济的变化,这使得预测非常困难。然而,我们可以充满信心地预测,在2026/2027年开始稳定之前,价格将从2023年开始下降。"

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