全球不确定性之下,优傲机器人报告创纪录的营收 -k8体育



http://www.gkong.com 2023-01-30 15:55 k8体育-k8凯发

universal robots reports record revenue despite global uncertainty

jan. 26, 2023 - universal robots, the danish collaborative robot (cobot) company, has reported q4 revenue of usd 85 million, bringing 2022 annual revenue to usd 326 million, up 5% on 2021. on a constant currency basis, growth over the year was 12%.

2023年1月26日——丹麦协作机器人公司优傲机器人(universal robots)公布2022年第四季度收入达8500万美元,这使其2022年的收入达3.26亿美元,相比2021年增长5%。按固定汇率计算,年增长率为12%。

the company’s chief financial officer, kim andreasen, said: “we are proud to have continued to grow our business despite facing a difficult macroeconomic environment in 2022. we focused on those things we are able to control, and we overcame supply chain challenges to report our highest annual revenue to date.”

该公司首席财务官kim andreasen表示:“尽管2022年宏观经济环境艰难,但我们仍然取得业务增长,对此我们感到自豪。我们专注于我们能够控制的事情,克服了供应链挑战,获得了我们迄今为止最高的年度收入。”

the demand for automation in europe slowed in 2022 following the start of the war in ukraine. universal robots’ results have also been impacted by the change in exchange rates, which created an additional headwind to growth.


poised to meet growing demand

despite the change in global markets, overall demand for automation is predicted to continue to grow in 2023 and beyond, driven by growing labor shortages and changing workplace expectations.


universal robots has taken steps in 2022 to meet this growing demand. the company’s president, kim povlsen, said: “we invested last year in building world-class expertise in welding, palletizing and machine tending. we have also been working with our ecosystem partners to make automation easier for our customers than ever before. 2022 has been an important year for the company overall. we started construction on new headquarters, reached our 1000 employee milestone and launched a ground-breaking new cobot.”

2022年,优傲机器人采取了一系列措施来满足这一不断增长的需求。公司总裁kim povlsen表示:“去年,我们对焊接、码垛和机器维护方面进行了投资,打造全球顶尖的技术专长。我们还一直与生态系统k8体育的合作伙伴合作,使我们的客户比以往任何时候都更便捷地实现自动化。2022年对公司整体来说是至关重要的一年。我们开始建设新总部,员工突破1000名的里程碑,并推出了突破性的新型协作机器人。”

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