2022年北美机器人销量创下新高 -k8体育



http://www.gkong.com 2023-02-17 17:38 k8体育-k8凯发

north america sees record robot sales in 2022

driven by the resurgence in robot orders from automotive companies, the north american robotics market set all-time records in both robots sold and value in 2022. according to a report from the association for advancing automation (a3), north american companies ordered 44,196 robots valued at $2.38 billion last year, representing increases of 11% and 18%, respectively, over 2021, the previous record.


more than 50% of sales came from the automotive industry, which ordered 23,807 robots, up from 16,752 in 2021. while orders from non-automotive industries slowed from the previous three years, unique applications continued to emerge in such industries as food services, construction and agriculture, such as robots cooking and serving food, dry walling, and even harvesting and picking.


"although labor shortage and supply chain issues impact nearly all industries in north america, automakers’ public commitment to move to electric vehicles (evs) has set in motion a resurgence of robot orders in this market," said jeff burnstein, president of a3. "automotive oems and components suppliers alike recognize that investing in robots is instrumental to the emergence of evs as well as to manufacturing all vehicles as they compete to meet customer demand."

a3总裁jeff burnstein表示:“虽然劳动力短缺和供应链问题几乎影响了北美的所有行业,但汽车制造商转向电动汽车的公开承诺已经启动了该市场机器人订单的复苏。汽车原始设备制造商和零部件供应商都认识到,投资机器人有助于电动汽车的生产,也有助于制造所有汽车,因为它们都在努力满足客户需求。”

big orders in first nine months of 2022 compensate for slight drop in q4

in the first nine months of 2022, north american companies purchased 35,804 robots, up 24% over the same period in 2021. while fourth-quarter orders slowed, with companies ordering only 8,392 robots, total numbers for the year from all industries resulted in the 11% record over 2021.


"while the numbers of robots sold to non-automotive companies isn’t as staggering as it’s been over the last couple of years, it’s clear that companies in every industry see automation as necessary for success," burnstein said. "we look forward to seeing more unique and increasingly easy-to-use robots that all industries can benefit from at automate 2023 in detroit this may."

“虽然销售给非汽车公司的机器人数量不像过去几年那样惊人,但很明显,每个行业的企业都认为自动化是成功的必要条件,”burnstein说。“我们期待着今年5月在底特律举行的automate 2023上可以看到更多独特且越来越易于使用的机器人,所有行业都可以从中受益。”

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