罗克韦尔自动化宣布战略投资ready robotics -k8体育


罗克韦尔自动化宣布战略投资ready robotics

http://www.gkong.com 2023-03-20 17:06 k8体育-k8凯发

rockwell automation announces strategic investment in ready robotics
罗克韦尔自动化宣布战略投资ready robotics

rockwell automation, inc., the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation, has announced a strategic investment in ready robotics, a pioneering company in software-defined automation and a rockwell technology partner.

全球最大的致力于工业自动化和数字化转型的公司罗克韦尔自动化公司宣布对ready robotics进行战略投资,ready robotics是软件定义自动化领域的先驱公司,也是罗克韦尔技术k8体育的合作伙伴。

ready robotics’ forgeos platform enables operators to control and program the most popular brands of robots from a single user-friendly interface with minimal training. using task canvas, one of many useful forgeos productivity apps included with the platform, operators can quickly create new automation tasks with a powerful, no-code, flowchart-based interface.

ready robotics的forgeos平台使操作员能够通过一个用户友好的界面控制和编程最主流的机器人品牌,只需最少的培训。使用task canvas(该平台随附的许多有用的forgeos生产力应用程序之一),操作员可以通过一个功能强大的、无代码的、基于流程图的界面快速创建新的自动化任务。

rockwell and ready robotics have collaborated to integrate forgeos with rockwell’s line of logix controllers and design and simulation software. the combination will simplify robot integration and accelerate time-to-market of industrial automation deployments. rockwell’s investment will foster continued development of the forgeos platform, support its integration with logix, and accelerate adoption across the rockwell ecosystem of system integrators and technology and channel partners.

罗克韦尔和ready robotics合作将forgeos与罗克韦尔的logix控制器系列以及设计和仿真软件相集成。该组合将简化机器人集成并加快工业自动化部署的上市时间。罗克韦尔的投资将促进forgeos平台的持续发展,支持其与logix的集成,并加速系统集成商、技术和渠道k8体育的合作伙伴在罗克韦尔生态系统中的采用。

“we are excited to work with ready robotics to help further simplify the use of diverse robotic systems in automation solutions for our customers. linking the intuitive forgeos software suite with logix control, design, and emulation capabilities allows a broader range of businesses to implement these powerful tools and spend less time getting their systems up and running,” said matheus bulho, vice president and general manager, production automation at rockwell.

罗克韦尔生产自动化副总裁兼总经理matheus bulho说:“我们很高兴与ready robotics合作,帮助我们的客户进一步简化各种机器人系统在自动化k8体育的解决方案中的使用。将直观的forgeos软件套件与logix控制、设计和仿真功能相结合,可以让更多的企业实施这些强大的工具,并花费更少的时间来启动和运行他们的系统。”

"historically, automation has been hampered by software silos between robot vendors,” said ben gibbs, ceo and co-founder of ready robotics. “ready’s interface alleviates this issue, eases deployment, and enables automation where it might have been prohibitive before, especially in high-mix operations. our platform enables programming and control of over 3 million compatible robots deployed today."

ready robotics首席执行官兼联合创始人ben gibbs表示:“从历史上看,自动化一直备受机器人供应商之间软件孤岛的阻碍。在高度混合操作中。我们的平台可以对今天部署的超过300万个兼容机器人进行编程和控制。”

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