西门子和英特尔将在先进半导体制造领域展开合作 -k8体育



http://www.gkong.com 2023-12-08 15:41 k8体育-k8凯发

siemens and intel to collaborate on advanced semiconductor manufacturing

siemens ag, a leading technology company, and intel corporation, one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies, have signed a memorandum of understanding (mou) to collaborate on driving digitalization and sustainability of microelectronics manufacturing. the companies will focus on advancing future manufacturing efforts, evolving factory operations and cybersecurity, and supporting a resilient global industry ecosystem.

领先的科技公司西门子和全球最大的半导体公司之一英特尔公司签署了一份谅解备忘录 (mou),合作推动微电子制造的数字化和可持续发展。两家公司将专注于推进未来的制造工作、发展工厂运营和网络安全,并支持有韧性的全球行业生态系统。

“semiconductors are the lifeblood of our modern economies. few things run without chips. therefore, we’re proud to collaborate with intel to quickly advance semiconductor production. siemens will bring its entire cutting-edge portfolio of iot-enabled hardware and software and electrical equipment to this collaboration,” said cedrik neike, ceo of digital industries and member of the managing board of siemens ag. “our joint efforts will contribute to achieving global sustainability goals.”

“半导体是我们现代经济的命脉。没有芯片就没有什么东西可以运行。因此,我们很自豪能与英特尔合作,快速推进半导体生产。西门子将为此次合作带来其物联网硬件、软件和电气设备的全部尖端产品组合,”数字产业首席执行官兼西门子公司董事会成员cedrik neike表示。“我们的共同努力将有助于实现全球可持续发展目标。”

the mou identifies key areas of collaboration to explore a variety of initiatives, including optimizing energy management and addressing carbon footprints across the value chain. for instance, the collaboration will explore use of “digital twins” of complex, highly capital-intensive manufacturing facilities to standardize solutions where every percentage of efficiency gained is meaningful.


the collaboration will also explore minimizing energy use through advanced modeling of natural resources and environmental footprints across the value chain. to gain more information on product-related emissions, intel will explore product and supply chain related modeling solutions with siemens that drive data-based insights and help the industry accelerate progress in reducing its collective footprint.


“the world needs a more globally balanced, sustainable and resilient semiconductor supply chain to meet the increasing demand for chips,” said keyvan esfarjani, intel executive vice president and chief global operations officer. “we are excited to build upon intel’s advanced manufacturing capabilities by expanding our collaboration with siemens to explore new areas where we can utilize siemens’ portfolio of automation solutions to enhance efficiency and sustainability in semiconductor infrastructure, facilities and factory operations. this mou will benefit regional and global industry value chains.”

英特尔执行副总裁兼首席全球运营官keyvan esfarjani表示:“世界需要一个更加全球平衡、可持续和有韧性的半导体供应链,以满足不断增长的芯片需求。我们很高兴能够通过扩大与西门子的合作,以英特尔先进的制造能力为基础,探索新的领域,在这些领域,我们可以利用西门子的自动化k8体育的解决方案组合来提高半导体基础设施、设施和工厂运营的效率和可持续性。这份谅解备忘录将有利于区域和全球行业价值链。”

sustainable practices across the entire semiconductor lifecycle, including design, manufacturing, operation, efficiency and recycling, are critical for meeting growing demand for powerful, sustainable chips. technology has the power to accelerate solutions to reduce computing-related climate impacts across the technology industry and the rest of the global economy. automation and digitalization hold the key to addressing the challenges as the industry drives toward net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. by combining their strengths and expertise, siemens and intel are poised to lead the way in driving positive change.


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